The Elder’s activities provide opportunities to build relationships and social support, enhance well-being, and have input into programming. The program encourages youth and families to gather with Elders in activities which include: Elder’s Luncheons & Committee meetings; Christmas Celebrations, Vancouver Island Elders Luncheons, the annual Elders Gathering; Elders & Kids Traditional Foods, Healing Medicines Hike, Elders Abuse Workshops, Elder’s Abuse Support Groups, Recreational Activities & Traditional Arts & Crafts.
Programming objectives from 2017 for Elders to provide tangible avenues (videos, motivational posters, audio-taping etc.) to share their stories, teachings, language and life experiences and carried to the younger generations has been achieved. Books, and posters were produced and are available to the community. One benefit of this project is the validation and recognition that Elders are the source of knowledge that historically has been taught and shared through oral teachings.

Elder’s Lunch
A light lunch with coffee and tea service is held every third Wednesday of each month. To find out the date of the next lunch, check out our calendar in the ‘News & Calendars’ section.
Cultural Camp Fundraising Committee
Currently, we have three Elders on our fundraising committee who enthusiastically and creatively come up with fund-raising activities for our Annual Cultural Camp. Some of the activities have been: Indian Taco sales, bake sales, car washes, Loonie Toonie, recycling etc. We are always looking for other Elders to join this committee and to bring with them their passion and creativity in working together in being able to continue to offer and participate in our annual Cultural Camp.

Elder’s Fund-raising Group
This fun and energetic group’s main fundraising activity is selling breakfasts twice a month. More members are most welcome to join, contribute ideas for other ways money can be raised for Elder-related events, activities and support. The biggest goal of this committee is to raise enough funds so that all the members can attend the annual Elder’s Conference which is held in various places across Canada once a year. The Elder’s Breakfast occurs every second Thursday and typically consists of either pancakes and bacon or French toast and sausages. Volunteer Elders are welcome to join, all we ask is that the volunteer is committed to help out at each breakfast and other fundraising events that we undertake. We are always looking for committed volunteers so if this sounds like a good fit and something you want to become a part of, please contact Patricia O’Donnell at 250 723 1636.
Elder Volunteers
If you are looking for a positive and meaningful way to spend your time and get involved, we would love to talk to you! Some ways that, as an Elder, your involvement is appreciated and welcomed are: to provide support and guidance at Youth & Family nights, workshops as ‘Elder Support’, by sharing your knowledge and willingness to support youth and by providing them with guidance. If you’d like to talk to us more about Elder volunteer opportunities, contact Shelley Poole or Michelle Shiner at 250-723-8281.
Language Nest
Currently, we have Julia Lucas, and Patty Frank at our Child Care Center as our Language Nest Elders/Speakers. They are further supported by Language Assistant Ryan George Jr. We are pleased to be able to offer a Nuu-Chah-Nulth language immersion program (based on available funding) that includes circles, drumming, dancing, art, stories and time with our Elders.